Discover what celebrities own NFTs in this article. Read more.
Celebrities got into NFTs in a big way in 2021 and in early 2022. In some cases, they picked these NFTS up independently, and in other cases, they were gifted them. But what NFTS do these celebs own? And now that the market is struggling, how much have they potentially lost?
In this article, we’ll take a look at 11 celebrities who have invested in NFTs and examine whether they have been “rekked” or lost lots of money.
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1. Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton became well known during the crypto and NFT bull market as crypto-queen. Her account has much less to say on the topic today! Hilton also launched her own NFT collection, all of which sold out. A year ago, Hilton also picked up Bored Ape Yacht Club #1294 via MoonPay, a service that facilitates celebrities to pick up high-priced NFTs.
This particular NFT was purchased in early 2022 ago for $287,000 or 119 ETH. Based on today’s price, that works out at $154,000. So, she’s down approximately $100,000 if she sells it for the same amount of ETH today. Of course, that doesn’t consider other airdrops from Yuga Labs, such as ApeCoin and Otherdeed for Otherside.
2. Jimmy Fallon

One of the cringiest moments during the NFT bear market was when Paris Hilton appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and they both showed each other pictures of their Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs.
Fallon owns Bored Ape Yacht Club #599. It’s a Bored Ape Yacht Club in a sailor suit. This purchase was facilitated via MoonPay in 2021, several weeks before that infamous show with Paris Hilton. It cost $224,000 or 46.6 ETH. If you were to sell it today for the same amount, that would work out at approximately $60,000 based on the current price of Ethereum.
3. Logan Paul

YouTuber turned boxer Logan Paul purchased the one-of-one Bumblebee NFT by ON1 Force for $623,000. Today, it is worth approximately $10. Despite losing money on this particular NFT, Logan may be making money elsewhere in the NFT space with 99 Originals. An iteration of the Bumbl3bee NFT image comprises one NFT in that collection.
4. Steve Aoki

NFT collectors love poking fun at musician Steve Aoki: if he buys an NFT, that’s a sign the top is in. He owns Doodle #2238, for which he paid $862,000 or 269 ETH in January 2022. Today, it’s now worth $349,000. He also owns Doodle 8086, which he paid $58,000 for and is now worth $23,000. In addition to these Doodles, Steve also owns a Crypto Punk and CloneX, and has an active trading wallet that NFT collectors love following.
5. DJ Marshmello

In October 2021, DJ Marshmello picked up CryptoPunk #8274 for 130 ETH, which was a little over half a million dollars. It’s difficult to value the rarity of a specific Crypto Punk because they’re not all priced based on the floor price.
Crypto Punks is one of the OG or Blue Chip NFTs collections. Despite the NFT bear market, the floor price of Crypto Punks has held up reasonably well when valued solely in ETH. As of January 2023, the floor price of a CryptoPunk is 66.88 ETH ($87,522.51 USD)
6. Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg is an avid NFT collector and has even launched his own NFTs, and he’s also partnered up with the moniker Cozomo de’ Medici. Collectors can also buy music that Snoop recorded as music NFTs,
Snoop likes picking up pieces from artists like Right-click and Save As by XCOPY. Snoop picked up this particular NFT for 1,600 ETH, a little over $7 million.
It’s hard to value what an NFT like this is worth because it’s a one-of-a-kind piece rather than from a bigger collection, like Bored Ape Yacht Club. This particular type of crypto art is, like any piece of art, something to keep rather than flip However, if he were to sell this Right-click Save guy. 1,600 ETH is worth somewhere between 2 and 2.5 million based on the current price of Ethereum.
7. Justin Bieber

Musicians seem to love NFTs. Musicians like Justin Bieber. He picked up Bored Ape Yacht Club #3001 in January 2022 for over $1 million or 500 ETH. If Justin Bieber sold this NFT today, he would get $648,000.
When I checked out his wallet, I was surprised to see he owns a couple of CloneX, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Doodles, and World of Women. He’s a big fan of Doodles. It seems like Justin knows what the Blue Chips are and is happy to hold onto them despite market trends.
8. Madonna

Madonna acquired Bored Ape Yacht Club #4988 in early 2022. It cost $466,000 or 180 ETH. If sold today, it would be worth half that, at approximately $233,000.
In May 2022, Madonna launched her own collection, Mother of Creation, on SuperRare. The three artworks generated 309 ETH in sales. Suffice it to say Madonna covered her BAYC losses, although she doesn’t need the money.
9. Tom Brady

American footballer Tom Brady owns Bored Ape Yacht Club #3667, which he purchased for $453,000 or 133 ETH in January 2021. Based on the current price of Ethereum, if he were to sell the NFT today, it would be worth $172,000. Considering Brady recently signed a $375 million contract with Fox Sports, he’s not too worried and the price of this NFT.
10. Eminem

Raper and actor Eminem owns Bored Ape Yacht Club #9055, which he paid 123 ETH for in January 2022. Based on the current price of Ethereum, it’s worth approximately $161,000. This price tag does not consider any potential airdrops, such as ApeCoin and OtherDeeds.
11. Anthony Hopkins

Anthony Hopkins did not pick up Bored Ape Yacht Club, but he began tweeting about NFTs in 2022 and tagged Snoop Dogg, Jimmy Fallon, and Reese Witherspoon. He’s also a big advocate of World of Women.
Later in 2022, he launched the collection, Anthony Hopkins – The Eternals. Despite the NFT bear, it generated 822 ETH in volume and has a reasonably good floor price at 0.29 as of January 2023. Five buyers won a chance to talk to Anthony Hopkins over Zoom.
Final Words About What Celebrities Own NFTs
Many A-list celebrities own high-profile NFTs, specifically Bored Ape Yacht Club. Whether they bought these NFTs independently or were gifted as part of a marketing campaign or another initiative is difficult to say, as many purchases were facilitated by third parties, like MoonPay. But a few celebrities, like Snoop Dog and Anthony Hopkins, are more actively involved in the space.
When you read headlines about celebs losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, chances are they’re not too worried because they already have a healthy bank balance and are doing quite well. Bored Ape Yacht Club is a bluechip NFT, much like Crypto Punks, and its floor price has held up reasonably consistently versus other NFTs…if valued in Ethereum. It’s only when converting Eth back to USD that celebrities realize a loss. Bluechip NFTs stand a better chance of recovery rather than degen mints too.